Saturday, July 12, 2008

Cupcake Madness Begins!!!!!

I was thinking a couple of days ago about how much a friend appreciated a knit cupcake I gave her for her her birthday in addition to some other things. I thought about how everyone could use a cupcake on their birthday and how it would be impossible to do this because I usually only remember someone's birthday the night before. But wait!!!!! The impossible became possible! Why don't I knit up a bunch of cupcake and keep them handy until they are ready to be given! Brilliant! I 'll refill the stash whenever it's almost down to one or two cupcakes left! The only problem left is where to stash them...every storage spot is filled with yarn. Then I thought I would put them in a tiny bin behind my bed. But wait- the madness doesn't stop at cupcakes! I also thought about making felted fortune cookies with messages like "You are going to have a great birthday!" and "You are going to get well very soon" inside them. I am going to start knitting the cupcakes and fortune cookies this weekend. Let the madness begin!


lizzzknits said...

Love those fortune cookies. Might have to try them. No calories, too.

lizzzknits said...
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Pirk said...

I put my cupcake comment on the other thread.

Anyway, I like the cupcake idea.
I have a friend in Mississippi who is crazy about cupcakes and her BD is coming up in August. Thanks for the idea!!

Lobug said...

I do something similar with baby shower gifts. I never thought of cupcakes, though. good idea! (I came by way of the Rav train--another good idea ;D)