Monday, April 20, 2009

New Picture Blog!

Hi all! I have created another blog called Frozen Time. Be sure to check it out! But no worries I will still be blogging here, just thought that it would be interesting to have an entire blog on pictures!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Some Pictures For You All

Have you ever been to Falling Water, the house designed by Frank Lloyd Wright? I t really is beautiful. I took the long trip there a little while ago(not just for that), and people do go there from everywhere. There were people there from Great Britain! Here are some pictures I took:

Here are some pics of that bunny cake I had made for Easter. The grass is coconut dyed green. The ears are pink parer and the facial structures are jelly beans!! I got the idea on how to carve and ice the cake here.

And here are some cute pics I took of Lilly with her crinkly duck this morning. She has on her Hawaiian bandanna-an added bonus!

Saturday, April 18, 2009


I've been really sick lately so I have been just laying around doing nothing. When I went to the doctor they said I had a bad sinus infection from a fever/cough/cold thing I had had earlier this week. I hope everyone had a nice Easter/Passover. I celebrate Easter but had a 103.0 fever on Easter so mine wasn't that great. I was with my family though and they had a lot of fun laughing at me as I was delirious. It was kind of upsetting I had made so many things Easter-themed. I made a bunny cake with a carrot-cake recipe from a friend. I knit up some carrots as decoration for my house. I found that pattern from the 100 Flowers To Knit & Crochet by Lesley Stanfield. Here are some pictures:
Well as I said I have mostly been laying around on the computer so I came up with some pretty poetry/quotes that I inlaid into pictures.

Lilly News: She has destroyed a leash by chewing through it, a screen door by pawing at it, and two Kongs(even the Extreme one) by being too excited by the treats inside. Looks like even though she isn't a puppy I will have to treat her like one!