Thursday, July 31, 2008


I am really sorry about not being on at all lately... I have been through some tough times and then went on a vacation. I just got back this morning. I managed to start knitting the dress and I think that it will turn out pretty good. I will later post some pics! I have started plying some of the yarn drifting away from the original plan. More on that later! Got to go!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I am knitter14 on Ravelry. I also just started a new group! It is called Blog Comments Train! No more to say today besides that I am almost done with my first cupcake and started "designing" a dress.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Cupcake Madness Begins!!!!!

I was thinking a couple of days ago about how much a friend appreciated a knit cupcake I gave her for her her birthday in addition to some other things. I thought about how everyone could use a cupcake on their birthday and how it would be impossible to do this because I usually only remember someone's birthday the night before. But wait!!!!! The impossible became possible! Why don't I knit up a bunch of cupcake and keep them handy until they are ready to be given! Brilliant! I 'll refill the stash whenever it's almost down to one or two cupcakes left! The only problem left is where to stash them...every storage spot is filled with yarn. Then I thought I would put them in a tiny bin behind my bed. But wait- the madness doesn't stop at cupcakes! I also thought about making felted fortune cookies with messages like "You are going to have a great birthday!" and "You are going to get well very soon" inside them. I am going to start knitting the cupcakes and fortune cookies this weekend. Let the madness begin!

Saturday, July 5, 2008


Here is a picture of my spindle with the currents silk on it. I really have to get working if I want it all spun!!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Fourth of July!!!!!

It's the Fourth of July and I decided to do some baking. I am about to bake some Cheesecake Cupcakes( I love this recipe but I think they only turn out yummy because I listened to all the reviews online. I only used 3 eggs and after making them, decided that the sour cream topping didn't do anything for me. I will make them American Themed by adding strawberry compote to half of them and blueberry compote to the others. I will post yummy pics tomorrow!!!!! Enjoy the fireworks!!!!